creative Therapy

Catalyst One Hundred and Nineteen
September 1, 2010, 7:00 am
Filed under: catalyst


As always, thank you to all of our visitors and all the encouraging comments you left for us. For those of you who did, thank you for playing along with us.


Ok! Here’s catalyst number one hundred and nineteen:


Who was your first kiss? How was it?


We’re thrilled to have Amy Hanna as this week’s Guest Artist.


Here’s a quickie self-bio for Amy:


Amy has always been equipped with a big imagination and a love for treasure hunting. She has combined the two and developed a talent for making one of a kind jewelry incorporating vintage keepsakes. Whether it be a vintage id badge from the thirties or a souvenir book of Paris from the eighteen hundreds, Amy loves nothing more than transforming these forgotten treasures into wearable art. She has graced the pages of Belle Armoire, Where Women Create, Somerset Studio and Somerset Life Magazines. She has been featured on HGTV’s “That’s Clever” and she published her first book last year, “Rejuvenated Jewels”. Amy resides in Southern California with her husband and three children. She has taught classes nationally and enjoys living an artful life.


Make sure to check out Amy’s blog.




Here is Amy’s art with this week’s catalyst. You can click on it to see a larger version and a lot more detail.




Amy Says:

I remember my first kiss was on a hot summer evening. I grew up in Michigan and summer nights were always magical. Full of lighting bugs and finding was to have some fun. My first kiss was shared with a boy who was my cousin’s best friend. His name was Mike and we spent everyday together that summer. Mike always reminded me of Kieffer Sutherland, he rode a dirt bike and smoked cigarettes which made him a bit edgy to me. Our romance was short lived but we always remained friends. I remember the last time I saw Mike it was right after I graduated high school. He still had his sweet smile and personality and he gave me a big hug when we said goodbye. Little did I know that would be the last time I would see him and his loving smile. He was in a terrible car accident shortly after I saw him and suffered head injuries along with paralysis. He passed a way a few years ago. I feel very lucky that my first kiss was shared with such a sweet soul.



Here are some interpretations of the catalyst from members of our team.




Larissa Says:

Well, the fisrt kiss is never just a kiss! My first kiss happened a long time ago when I was in 5th grade, but it´s funny how I can still remember its taste, the strange movement of our tongues and how worried I was about not knowing what time it would end… I was counting the seconds in mind… He was a blond blue-eyed boy (I’ve always been attracted to blondes with blue eyes!) who played soccer at school. His name was Rafael.





Dina Says:

His name was Stuart. And it was magical!




Journaling Reads:

My first kiss was my then best friend. He and I had been inseparable friends for quite some time and it took us a while to realize that we liked each other a bit more than friends did. The night we finally kissed had more to do with me than him since I was the one holding back for so many stupid reasons. We didn't tell anyone and our relationship was a secret for quite some time. He is still my best friend and I remember that night quite fondly.





Carole Says:

“First Kiss was at a School Dance it was quick but very cute, my goodness its seems so long ago.” And it was very long ago, I was in Grade 7 and living in England, and I was such a shy girl, so to be kissed was not something I expected, so lets just say, it was lovely in its own way. Anyway, it was another couple of years before it happened again lol !!





Shelley Says:

My first kiss was the Summer of 1978. I was 14. It was a truth-or-dare situation and I am so glad I chose the dare!! It was a great kiss and one that I will never forget. We each traveled in different circles throughout High School (although I had a huge crush on him for years!) so it was only one kiss….but I will remember it always!





Wendela Says:

My first kiss……wow….he gives me butterflies….and I’m blushing again when I write this.





Lia Says:

Our first kiss … smiles …. was nervous, shaky, and intensely sweet. We were at the beach, under a tree, with a full moon shining on us. It was the weekend, with lots of beach go-ers around us. But when our lips touched … everything else fell away. And all I felt and knew it was love.



Now it’s your turn: show us your therapeutic art around “Who was your first kiss? How was it?” I urge you to give it a try. It can be any form of art as long as it speaks to you.


Leave us comments with your work so we can share in your creative therapy, too. If you don’t have a community or blog where you upload photos, you can upload them on our flickr group.



Remember, this is not a competition. If your art makes you feel even a bit better at the end, you’ve won.


Until next week, enjoy each and every moment.



2 Comments so far
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Just posted mine on my blog. Thanks for stirring up those memories! I might do a second page about the first kiss I shared with my husband. I remember that one, too!

Comment by rinda

And I’m back with a second page . . . about the first time I kissed my husband. See it here:

Comment by rinda

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