creative Therapy

Catalyst Sixty-Six
June 14, 2009, 9:02 am
Filed under: catalyst


As always, thank you to all of our visitors and all the encouraging comments you left for us. For those of you who did, thank you for playing along with us.


Ok! Here’s catalyst number sixty-six:


Create art around someone or something that you still have unfinished business with (something that’s been bothering you for a while.).


We’re so excited to have Wendy Vecchi as this week’s Guest Artist.


My friend Katie recommended Wendy to me and her art is so stunning, so breathtaking that I am delighted to have her here.


Wendy has the enviable position of being on both Maya Road Design Team and Tim Holtz idea-ology. I honestly cannot think of two manufacturers I’d rather work for. As if that’s not wonderful enough, she’s also Exclusive Ranger Demo Artist and a Certified Ranger Educator. She will also be a guest instructor for the Artful Voyage in Mexico with Tim Holtz, in October of 2009.


But, wait, that’s not it! Wendy also has her own signature line of stamps from Stampers Anonymous titled “studio 490” which capture her passion for art with a touch of whimsy. Her style is unique and eclectic with an exceptional attention to detail and a fresh approach to the creative spirit. You will notice that almost every piece of her art includes a flower.


She shares her love of techniques on her beautiful blog and you can see more of her art on studio 490 stamp pages on the Stampers Anonymous website and on the Maya Road Design Team blog.





Here is Wendy’s art with this week’s catalyst. You can click on it to see a larger version and more detail.




Wendy Says:



I’d love to talk to you just one more time.


It’s been 20 years since your passing…but it seems like forever. So many things have happened since then. My life took an unexpected turn, in September of 2007, when fate stepped in. I wish that you were here to enjoy my new career.


After 30 years, I’m no longer a surgery nurse manager…now I’m an ARTIST! Imagine that…If you remember my kindergarten report card, one of the comments that Mrs. Yazbeck wrote was.. “Wendy is very creative”.


I had no clue until recently, but I’m sure this creativity came from you.


So now instead of working in a sterile controlled surgery environment, I do my best to get my fingers inky every day! I’m not as shy as I used to be. I bet you’d be surprised to know I travel around the country (all by myself!) helping others to enjoy this art of stamping. I’m working hard & having a blast!


I have some awesome art & business friends who you would just LOVE! I’m so sad that I’ll never get to introduce you to them. They are all very kind and so supportive. I really lucked out here…they are THE BEST!


I wish you could see how totally happy I am with my life. I think you’d enjoy seeing my art and what has become of me. I’m sure you would be proud of my success.


There’s lots more to say…lots more I want to tell you.


I just need to talk to you..


one more time.


Love, wendy


Technique Highlight:


My favorite technique these days is to stamp (studio 490 stamps of course!) flowers onto grungeboard and grungepaper and to create dimensional flowers. I guess my style would be called vintage, but with a feminine look. I strive to make things look old, worn and well loved…which explains the distress color palette I prefer. For me, it’s all about paying attention to the smallest detail.



Thank you so much Wendy; we’re so very very honored.



Here are some interpretations of the catalyst from members of our team.



Wendela Says:

I’m anxious about my daughter….she doesn’t eat much, sometimes she eats nothing!!! She said I don’t like it Mommy, I don’t like sprouts, beans, chicken…etc..


On the layout you can see her dreamy face….what’s she dreaming about…?


I know she’s dreaming about when she’s grown up, and she asks me sometimes, “mom when I’m eating a lot, can I become a mother then?”


I said yes my girl, you have to eat more, and more healthy food like vegetables and fruits…and than she made a silly face and said..ooooowwhhh now….I don’t like eating…






Karen Says:

Four years ago, when my son was born I had a falling out with a good friend. We haven’t spoken since. Over the years I’ve often wondered if it was worth it. The fight we had. Whether it was worth losing the friendship. I am not sure. Sometimes I think maybe it wasn’t…



This digital page uses the beautiful papers and elements from Kerry Lynn Yeary of Kenner Road.





Lori Says:

I have unfinished business with myself. I have struggled with my weight since I was a teenager. When I was younger, I just wanted to look skinny and model-like, but as I’ve grown into an adult/mother/wife, I’ve learned that what I truly want is to feel light. It’s no longer about wanting to be a number on the scale, but about wanting to feel healthy and energetic and to look radiant. My son’s milk and egg allergy has forced me to learn about nutrition and to completely change they way we eat. It’s helped to start the process, and I intend to finish this business. I want nothing more than to stop the mind war over my health and body image. The only way to do that is to make good choices, day by day, decision by decision.




Journaling in the Envelope Reads::

Because of God’s grace and mercy, there are not many regrets that I have in my life. However, I have to confess with much sadness that one of the greatest regrets I have is the loss of my friendship with you. You were like a sister to me, and we shared a bond that we hoped would not be broken during some of the most challenging seasons in our lives. Our friendship began in the seventh grade when we met in homeroom. Both of our mothers were friends, and they happened to be the only moms who were there with us to take us to our homeroom that very first day of junior high. I don’t know about you, but I wasn’t embarrassed then because I was so grateful that they did that for us, and that God brought us together then to strengthen and encourage one another! We shared so many good times those three years of junior high…sharing secrets, laughing, and spending every afternoon together walking home and talking about our hopes and dreams. I remember us talking about when we would be older…we both hoped that we would be one another’s maid of honor, and when we had children, we hoped that they would also be good friends with each other. We sincerely hoped that we would still be a part of each other’s lives even in our visions for our future.


But something changed…I changed…we were in high school and, at the end of our sophomore year, I left our friendship behind for a new relationship with my boyfriend. I truly regret doing that! There were times when I wished I could go back and let him know that you, my friend, were still an important part of my life. I wish that I had shown you how valuable you still were to me, and how much I truly appreciated you and your friendship. There were many times when I missed you so very much, and wanted to be able to talk to you about life and to laugh with you again…but you changed, too. You had a boyfriend, new friends, and our different interests separated us even more. I was focused on studying for college and being on the dance team, and we no longer shared the same classes as we did before. However, every time I passed you at school, I was reminded of the closest friend I had ever had…and a part of my heart filled with sadness, regret, and a longing for the friendship we had shared. No one in those high school years would ever be as good a friend as you had been to me.


After seeing you at your sister’s wedding a few years ago, my heart ached to be able to speak with you again and to know whether you’ve been well. I had so many questions for you that went unanswered…How are you? Are you doing well living so very far away from your family? Have you finally found “the one”? But most important question I hoped to ask you was, “Would you forgive me for hurting you and for not being a better friend to you?” I don’t know whether I will ever have the chance to tell you in person how very sorry I am for having abandoned our friendship. That’s why I’m doing it in this way…perhaps you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me. If so, I would be so very grateful to know that you would no longer be a long lost friend. Whether you choose to forgive me or not, you will always have a special place in my heart that’s filled with many wonderful memories because you were one of the best friends I have ever had.




KL Says::

i’m usually pretty good at surrounding myself with friends who i can trust, but sometimes, even when you think you know someone really well you end up getting hurt. a while ago a friend of mine betrayed me in a way that i had never considered possible and even now it hurts to think that i put so much trust and value in someone who was willing to throw our friendship aside in an instant without a second thought.


so this is my little personal letter to myself. a little letter telling myself that sometimes, even when someone apologizes, it’s ok for it to *not* be ok. you don’t have to always forgive simply so that someone else can feel better about hurting you.


Technique Highlight::

my little book was created by sewing some ribbon strips and vintage ledger pages to the binding of a mini drawstring pouch. i then added some clear buttons to the cover and some rubons to the inside. add some journaling and tie it all up to keep the thoughts safe.





Larissa Says:

Recently, I had a disappointment with someone I considered my friend. This person yelled at me for no reason (for being 5 minutes late) and I got deeply hurt because I just don´t think friends can get to this point where they have a lack of respect towards other people. Even though this person has apologized, I don’t think our friendship will ever be the same again. For this catalyst, I decided to make a box full of thoughts/cards





Katie Says:

Ok, so looks like a cute little 4th of July house, right? Well, it is but……it was created with a story behind it. Unfinished business, I suppose.


Sometimes things are better left unspoken and other times even speaking out would do you no good. I’m in one of those type of situations right now. I feel compromised and I’m not sure how to deal with it.


So, back to the house. This is a family story. Many years back, my sister and her husband wanted to get a big house, with property, a pool . Well, a big house in Southern California is a lot to spend and they really didn’t have that, so they asked my Mom if she wanted to go in on it with them. She would pay 1/3 of the mortgage, 1/3 of the utilities and 1/3 of any repairs.


Well, Mom was an empty nester, my Dad had left and was now remarried, my brother had passes on and the years of business were long past, but I think she felt lonely in her house. So, she thought it would be a great idea. She could have a family around, have her grand kids down the hall etc…. So, they both sold their houses and bought the big house. The plan was to build a granny flat eventually. Well, eventually never came. There were some size constraints that came up and the price was so much higher then they thought…so she continued to live in the 2nd master bedroom upstairs by the kids.


Tension built over the years and eventually it came to a head and I feel my Mom was punished for it. No longer was Mom allowed to eat dinner with them instead she used the little microwave in her room to heat up frozen meals, no longer was Mom allowed in their living space, no longer was Mom invited to the birthday parties although recently my nephew begged that his grandma be able to come down and eat a piece of cake with him, my sister gave him her permission, but only because it was important to him…. lucky Grandma. Her 1/3 became the 4 walls of her bedroom.


My sister tried to cut the kids off from my Mom but they still snuck into her room and kissed her goodnight and they still slipped notes under her door. It gets worse, much worse…the things that I have heard my sister say and do, make me sick to my stomach. I feel so angry.
I am smack dab in the middle. I don’t like it. I keep my mouth shut, it’s not my battle to fight. I don’t want problems with my girls and their cousins. But I am to the breaking point.


My husband and I helped my Mom move to an apartment. My mom was a broken woman and needed out, plus my sister told her she had until the end of the month to get out, oh but of course to make sure that her check (her 1/3) is there by the time the mortgage is due every month.


So we moved her to an apartment, a far cry from the beautiful home she had lived in prior to her move with my sister. Texts came in to her all day, and I quote” Don’t you dare, ever come back to this house” and much, much worse ones then that. I did step in at this point and made the texts stop.


Mom is much happier now but she misses her grandkids horribly and peace is not here yet. I hear my sister rip my Mom to shreds to her husband, her kids and her friends. I can’t stand it…not one more second. I’m so beyond mad. I am sick of being silent. You see, I learned early on with my sister that fighting with her is a waste of energy. You will never win, you will never get an apology and you will never be right. Waste of time.


But this time, I am at my breaking point and at this point I feel that it is time for me to step up. It is my unfinished business.


So, that is how my little house became my piece of art for this week. It’s symbolic and when I look at it, I know exactly what it is telling me to do. I need to step up and take care of it.




Now it’s your turn: show us your therapeutic art around “Create art around someone or something that you still have unfinished business with (something that’s been bothering you for a while.)” I urge you to give it a try. It can be any form of art as long as it speaks to you.


Leave us comments with your work and you will qualify for the RAK we offer to a random participant. If you don’t have a community or blog where you upload photos, you can upload them on our flickr group.



Remember, this is not a competition. If your art makes you feel even a bit better at the end, you’ve won.


Until next week, enjoy each and every moment.



6 Comments so far
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Gorgeous work, everyone. All of your stories are so touching.

Comment by Lori Gentile

What a great theme and your art work is so thoughtful and wonderful. I am so busy this week but I am going to save the theme and definitely do it soon. Very relevant, in fact.


Comment by Erika Cleveland

A broken heart is always an unresolved isssue. Here’s mine.

Comment by Alberta

Wow, seriously. I LOVE this prompt and it’s so my style of scrapping….I hope I can get to this tomorrow. Thanks for the inspo!

Comment by Kristi

Some reflection on my more positive attributes was long overdue. Thanks for the prompt!! Mine is HERE

Comment by Barbara Hagerty

This is Ava’s submission, but it’s actually my unfinished business. She’s just so much the better writer!

Comment by Ava

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