creative Therapy

Catalyst Forty-Three
January 4, 2009, 8:46 am
Filed under: catalyst


As always, thank you to all of our visitors and all the encouraging comments you left for us. For those of you who did, thank you for playing along with us. We will do a drawing for the RAK and announce the name towards the beginning of the week.


Ok! Here’s the very first catalyst of 2009, catalyst number forty-three:


Tell us about a BIG dream you want to achieve (aim high!)


We’re so excited to have Clair Bremner as this week’s Guest Artist.


A few months ago I asked each team member to give me the names of people they would dream to have as guest artists. Clair was one of those dream guests.


If you ever visit any of Clair’s sites the first thing you will notice is the absolutely stunning photography. The color in her photos is so full of life that it makes you want to reach out and touch her subjects. Not to mention she has two of the cutest kids I’ve ever seen. Clair is also a truly talented scrapbooker and designs for Ruby St. Designs. I truly love looking at all her art.


If you haven’t seen her beautiful photography, you must visit her business blog and you can find out a lot more about Clair on her personal blog.





Here is Clair’s art with this week’s catalyst. You can click on it to see a larger version.



Clair Says:

I know it’s cliché but my big dream has always been to own my own home. I’m not into the big modern mansions or anything too extravagant. I would much prefer to purchase an older home with a bit of character, big windows and lots of little nooks, rooms and corners to explore. I can’t wait to be able to sit down with my husband and kids and decorate and fill our own home in the way that reflects us as a family. To be able to just re-paint a wall without getting permission from the landlord or knocking down a wall to let in more space and light. Hopefully we will not have to wait too much longer for this dream but it is still something that seems so far away and unachievable at this stage in our lives.


Technique Highlight:

I created this collage/painting a few months back when i was originally approached about this project. It was the first thing that came to mind when given the “big dream” catalyst. It was created on a prestreched canvas with Acrylic paint, and old book page, and a simple fineline pen. The background was painted first, the paper was glued down and painted over. Then finally when everything was dry i hand drew the little row of houses.



Thank you so much Clair; we’re so very honored.



Here are some interpretations of the catalyst from members of our team.



Christine Says:

When I consider the dreams that I have had in the past, I have to thank the Lord for the blessing of allowing them to come true. When I think about what I dream about doing now, I know in my heart that I need to surrender it to the will of God as well because, without Him, I know that all that I do will to bring about my desires will not be as fruitful as when He is guiding me. This brings me to the current desire of my heart…having a place where I can retreat, be inspired, and create to my heart’s content and sharing this special place with others as well.


Ever since I began scrapbooking, I have wanted to have an area in our home where I could keep my supplies. I have been fortunate to have a bonus room in which I have been able to create many of my projects. However, it continued to be less than inspiring because of the lack of space (and because of the increase of supplies and tools that I have accumulated! LOL!).


A few months ago, we purchased another home with the intention of renting it to others. However, after having been landlords for only a short amount of time, and having seen the damage done by the tenants who lived there for only three months, we decided to reconsider what we would do with that home. Before we rented the home to them, I had suggested that we could use it as a scrapbooking retreat home, but I was not ready to pursue such a venture at that time. However, with the house being free to use, and with my husband’s encouragement and support, I believe that this is the next big dream that I have for the near future.


Therefore, we are stepping forward in faith and hoping that what we are doing will be meaningful and worthwhile not only for myself but for others who desire to find time to create without interruption. I dream of having a retreat home in which the atmosphere provides them with the inspiration to create as well as providing the tools to encourage them on their creative journey. I would like it to be a place where they are blessed by the ability to spend time working on the projects that are meaningful to them, and to develop and deepen relationships with other artists with whom they share their time there. My hope is that those who decide to stay for a visit will be renewed in their vision to capture the moments that are precious to them and continue to create their works of art from their hearts. Today, this is my dream, and I hope to share it with others as the Lord wills.




Karen Says:

Anyone who really really knows me would know that I am not peaceful. I don’t feel comfortable in my own skin. I’ve always felt different and not in a good way. Like something’s wrong with me. Like I don’t belong. Like I am not good enough. And will never be.


This is not tied to any particular achievement. I’ve achieved a lot in my life. I’ve been really lucky and blessed to have a great education, fantastic career, amazing and loving husband and truly the best kid in the world. And that’s just a few of them. But this feeling of not measuring up (to something undefined) doesn’t go away. I compare to others constantly but only in ways where I feel like I am not as good. Not as intelligent. Not as pretty. Not as nice. Not as talented. I can go on and on.


So this year I decided to work on the most important concept of all (for me.) Achieving peace and blooming into my own. This is my year to discover and embrace who I am. Be the best of me and love it. Relax and not criticize myself. Not compare myself to anyone. Not worry about being not good enough. Stop and appreciate the truly amazing things in my life. Be thankful. Shed the past and be open and welcoming to the great future. But mostly be in the present.


God willing, I will have another baby this year and I want to make sure my kids have a peaceful mom who is happy with who she is (flaws and all). I want to make sure my husband has a wife who is happy. If there’s one thing I’d like to teach my kids, it’s that it’s ok to be whomever they are. And how better to teach it than by example?


Why is this in a binder?



Fran Says::

Well, I’ve achieved so many of my dreams in my life – some dreams that were never even conscious, I think. I feel, sometimes, like I’m living in my dream. I’m happy, we found medication that keeps my health fairly stable, I get to pursue my art, and I spend my life with my best friend in the world. So what could my dream be? Well, if I were to really think far ahead, I’d love for my art to be completely discovered. For someone to find my artwork museum-worthy. I can picture an art student staring at my art and really learning from it. Sort of the way I look at art when I look at the art in a museum. So, I drew a picture of modern art on a museum wall.





Kris Says:

I’m sure losing weight has been on everyone’s New Years Resolutions list at one time or another. I don’t tend to put it on mine anymore because I just don’t stick with it. But I was reflecting on this last year. I went from diet to diet, only lasting a couple weeks depending on when the next sweets showed up and I broke my diet. I realize I’m floundering. What do I really want? For over 22 years I’ve struggled consciously with my weight. We even have trouble having children and the only way we were blessed with 2 was when I had stuck to losing some weight. So when I thought about this week’s catalyst my dream would be lose a large amount of weight. I’m happy where I’m at. But I know within the last 20 years I’ve lost that confident, self assured persona I used to have. I don’t put myself out there into the world as much and I want that freedom back. I feel trapped. I don’t want to be trapped anymore. I’m sure there is some psychological mumbo jumbo to explain why I let myself fail at every diet I’ve ever tried. I don’t want to do that anymore. That is the big dream I want to achieve. I want ME back.


Technique Highlight:

Watercolor paper with alcohol inks (red/gold) swiped in random areas. White colored pencil circles and drawing. Use painted paper to cut out a house shape. Images by Vintage fabric flower. Gutter guard used for gate. Hand stitches around the house and on the fence. Oil pastels used to write ‘dream’, pen and rubons used for numbers and the rest of the words. Inked the edges. Painted the edges of a canvas and attached the watercolor.





Lori Says:

I didn’t create anything for this one. I took a picture of a book that has set my mind off in a big way. It’s a collection of stories of women who followed their dream and opened their own shop. I admire these women and I love reading this book. So, this catalyst is about getting it (my dream) down in writing. My BIG dream, the one I’ve had locked away inside my brain for the last ten years, is to open a craft store. Not just a scrapbook store, but a high-end, little bit of this, little bit of that, craft store. Not a big box store, but a small store, focused on customer service, creativity and the best products out there. Alas, I am not ready to open a store. That’s a plain fact.


I will not give up time with my young children to follow this dream. When they are grown and out of the house, I will open my store. It will be a time when I feel I can be there and not be sacrificing anything to do so. This is really important to me. I can never go back and relive moments I missed with my children. I chose to stay at home for a reason and I don’t want to miss any of it.


I will, however, start a small at-home business this year with the ultimate goal of affording my dream store when I’m ready and to give me the pleasure of doing something I love, while adding to the family income. Small is the key word here. Small and doable. I think taking action toward realizing a dream is important and, so, I’m jumping in feet first and taking my fear, my experience, my talent, my education, and my love with me into this tiny business. It’s a small step toward achieving the big dream and it’s a journey I’m excited to begin.





Opal Says:

I have had many dreams throughout my life. Each one has been replaced by the next, some being achieved, and others not. As I thought about this catalyst, and my dream now, I had some difficulty. Certainly I must have a dream? I tried to narrow a wide range of ideas that came to me. And true, there are many things I would like to do or accomplish, but most of them didn’t qualify as ‘dream’ status. Then it came to me…a moment of recognition and understanding. I grabbed pen and paper, and this is what I wrote?


“I want to grow older gracefully..full of color, energy, and life. I want to live each day to its fullest. I want to surround myself with beautiful things. I want to listen to outrageously beautiful music with perfect lyrics. I want to hear the birds singing on my bluff, high in the trees. I want to see colors in all their vibrancy and softness, richness and depth. I want to dance and sing. I want to knit and sew, to create things with my hands. I want to write..words, sentences, paragraphs, letters, journals, books. I want to read endlessly, losing myself in rich descriptive narratives and characters with depth. I want to be silly, to laugh out loud and shout for joy when happy, or weep openly when sad, hurt, or moved by emotions. I want to hold and hug my grandchildren, watching them grow into caring adults. I want to wear orange even when it is not appropriate. I want to grow older gracefully…savoring all there is to be, trying new things, having an open mind, being a good listener, and living each day to its fullest. This is my dream.”


Technique Highlight:

My interpretation of my dream is in a quilted journal page format, constructed in three layers as a quilt, with backing, batting, and the top. It measures 8.5″ x 10.” The pieces are layered and appliqued. I looked for images, color and lines in commercial fabrics that would represent a feeling of energy and life. The piece is machine quilted and hand beaded. On the left is the stack of books I’m working through, and along the bottom in the large black dots, I show that 64 is the perfect time to hear the birds . And, as my story unfolds, this one is “to be continued…”




Now it’s your turn: show us your therapeutic art around “Tell us about a BIG dream you want to achieve (aim high!)” I urge you to give it a try. Being that it’s the beginning of the year, it’s the perfect time to state your dreams and goals. Embrace the healing power of art. It can be any form of art as long as it speaks to you.


Leave us comments with your work and you will qualify for the next RAK we offer to a random participant. If you don’t have a community or blog where you upload photos, you can upload them on our flickr group.



Remember, this is not a competition. If your art makes you feel even a bit better at the end, you’ve won.


Until next week, enjoy each and every moment.



5 Comments so far
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My big dream for 2009, is to have our 2 car garage (that isn’t used for anything other than to collect junk) into a studio…one that I can work in, showcase some of my art pieces on the walls and also teach classes.

Comment by Dale Anne

Here is my page for this weeks catalyst.
Please go to this link to view:

Thank you for such a great scrapbooking prompt..


Comment by Francesca Di Leo

It may not seem like a big dream to you, but, when I was growing up, my fondest dream was that of a happy family. I wanted to be a mother and to make my children feel secure and loved. I have been so blessed in my adult life, and I have been able to achieve that dream and so many others. Now my biggest dream is to touch others with my art. Here’s my journal page:

Comment by Alberta

Had fun playing with this! I hope to continue with the catalysts from now on! Here’s mine:

Comment by dianaisa

Wow love al the entries! I made this page for catalist forty-one:

Comment by Sanderijn

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